Boroline Suthol Neem Products
Name Boroline Suthol Neem
Code 8901531700303
Type Standard
Brand Boroline
Category Body Hygiene Liquid
Price ৳190
Unit Pices (Pcs)
In Stock Yes
Product details for Invoice
  • 100%Genuine Products from the Manufacturer. Winner of India's Most Valuable Brand 2017-18Suthol helps to disinfect & cure cuts and wounds.
  • Spray Suthol liberally on the body, after water bath.
  • Apply Suthol as many times as needed on the skin irritations, itches and rashes,regularly for at least a week. You will find the problems to be subsiding.In case of cuts/wounds or skin affected over a concentrated area, it helps if you wet a cotton patch liberally with Suthol, place it on the affected skin and puta clean gauge on top fixing the entire dressing with a tape. Change this dressing twice a day, definitely after bath.
  • In case of minor burns, immediately wash the affected skin with Suthol directly. Do not put water. You will find the burning sensation to subside within short time and the skin get cured without boils.
  • Use Suthol as an antisepticafter shave. It takes care of the minor cuts and leaves on a refreshing feel.Suthol also helps in reduc
Product Details
  • 100%Genuine Products from the Manufacturer. Winner of India's Most Valuable Brand 2017-18Suthol helps to disinfect & cure cuts and wounds.
  • Spray Suthol liberally on the body, after water bath.
  • Apply Suthol as many times as needed on the skin irritations, itches and rashes,regularly for at least a week. You will find the problems to be subsiding.In case of cuts/wounds or skin affected over a concentrated area, it helps if you wet a cotton patch liberally with Suthol, place it on the affected skin and puta clean gauge on top fixing the entire dressing with a tape. Change this dressing twice a day, definitely after bath.
  • In case of minor burns, immediately wash the affected skin with Suthol directly. Do not put water. You will find the burning sensation to subside within short time and the skin get cured without boils.
  • Use Suthol as an antisepticafter shave. It takes care of the minor cuts and leaves on a refreshing feel.Suthol also helps in reducing insect bite irritations.

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